This Glossary explains all the terms you’ll see in Beeks documentation. To report any omissions, please contact



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    ACD (Advanced Configurable Decoder) — A Beeks Analytics decoder that clients can customise to meet their own requirement.
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    Agent — An Agent is an end point in VMX-Analysis, responsible for translating business data events from probes, and converting and mapping them to the Attributes for the relevant Flow. 
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    Agent Event — An Agent Event is a subset of important Attributes that Beeks Analytics passes from the message to persistent storage or to VMX-Analysis.
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    Aggregator — An Aggregator defines how data is “sliced and diced“ to produce statistics - or stats - that are then displayed in the dashboards in VMX-Explorer.
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    Alert — An Alert (in Beeks Analytics terms) is a message generated by VMX-Analysis or VMX-Explorer when a time series (e.g. latency) breaches a particular predefined threshold, or when certain predetermined triggers are received (e.g. market data gaps).
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    Alt ID — An Alternative ID - or Alt ID - is another ID that we use to correlate Agent Events when a common Correlation ID is not available.
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    Anomaly — In VMX-Capture, an Anomaly is an issue detected by a stack probe, which is then passed on to VMX-Analysis to generate an alert and inform the user. The most common type of anomaly is a market data gap anomaly.
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    Appliance — An Appliance is a machine with Beeks hardware, running a Beeks image.
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    Association — An Association represents a group of related Items. Whereas Correlation concerns grouping multiple Agent Events into a single Item (aka Business Object), Association groups multiple related Items together.
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    Attribute — An Attribute is a formal container for a type of data. Attributes are populated by Agents.
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    AutoMD — The AutoMD decoder is a high performance decoder that is focused on decoding the headers of sequenced multicast data and is designed in particular to perform gap detection at high traffic volumes.

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    Beeks Analytics Beeks Analytics is a solution that records and analyses latencies at network and application level, delivering exceptional real-time insight into performance of your trading environment.
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    Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) — A Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is a filter that you can use in a packet capture tool to retrieve only the subset of network packets that you are interested in.
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    Business object — A Business object is an instruction or entity such as an order or a price etc.

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    Capture Attribute — A Capture Attribute is a name and a data type, which Agents use to store data about a business object. For example, the quantity and price of an order.
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    Connectivity Hint — When a business object is broadcast to multiple end points, a Connectivity Hint is a piece of data injected into the business object by an Agent to indicate which branch the Agent Event is on.
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    Core Data Feed — Beeks' Core Data Feed (CDF) provides a live streaming feed of data from VMX-Analysis and VMX-Capture.
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    Correlation — Correlation is the act of grouping together all Agent Events for a given business object so that VMX-Analysis can track it as it moves through the network and/or the application.
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    Correlation Beacon — A Correlation Beacon is an identifier that is transmitted to Beeks Analytics that we can use to correlate items which otherwise would not have enough common information to allow them to be correlated.
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    Correlation ID — A Correlation ID is a special Capture Attribute which can be used to correlate multiple Agent Events together to form an Item.
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    Correlation Window — The Correlation Window is the number of items or time period within which Beeks Analytics can correlate or associate events.
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    Cross Reference Beacon — A Cross Reference Beacon is another identifier that we can use to correlate items.
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    Cross-talk — In Beeks Analytics, Cross-talk is a scenario that may occur when a business object is sent out to multiple recipients and they all respond using the same Correlation ID.

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    Decoder — A Decoder is a tool that transforms data into Beeks format, so that it can be analysed by Beeks Analytics.

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    FIX Protocol — FIX (Financial Information eXchange protocol) is a protocol that is used by financial participants to exchange market data and trading information.
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    Flow — A Flow is the journey of a business object type, such as an order or trade, through the monitored system.

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    Gap Detection — A Gap is where one or more packets in a sequenced data feed that don’t reach their destination. Gap detection is real-time monitoring of when these gaps occur.

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    Interval — An Interval is a set of information about a time period between two Agent Events.
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    IP (Internet Protocol) — In computer networking, the Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol that enables data transfer between two entities.
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    Item — An Item represents all the Agent Events that relate to a single business object.
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    Item History — The Item History lists the captured data about a business object, the probe ID, and time the probe saw the item.

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    Kafka — Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that’s developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

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    Match Attribute — Match Attributes are Capture Attributes that VMX-Analysis will group together to provide a unique signature for a business object so that it can identify the messages that belong to an Item.
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    mdPlay — In Beeks Analytics, mdPlay is a standalone replay-only version of the main Beek Analytics VMX-Capture component.
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    Multicast — A multicast is a transmission of data from a single source to multiple recipients.

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    P3 — The P3 process is part of the VMX-Capture architecture. It is called P3 because it performs three functions: pre filtering, pre correlation, and pre aggregation.
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    Packet — A Packet is a basic unit of data that's transferred over a computer network.
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    Packet broker — A packet broker is a network device which can receive, buffer, filter and distribute packets to various monitoring and security tools.
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    Packet Capture probe — A Packet Capture probe captures packets and writes them to disk to provide a store of the captured data, which users can then consult if needed for diagnostics or evidence.
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    Packet Capture Repository — A Packet Capture Repository is a data store of packets that have been picked up by probes in Beeks Analytics.
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    Port mirroring Port mirroring is a technology that sends a copy of the packets seen on one switch port (or an entire VLAN) to a network monitoring connection on another switch port.
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    Pre-aggregated Stats — A Pre-aggregated stat is a set of data that has been aggregated in VMX-Capture and the result sent to VMX-Analysis.
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    Precision Time Protocol (PTP) — PTP, or Precision Time Protocol, is a network-based time synchronization standard, that is designed to provide synchronisation at a nanosecond or even picosecond level.
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    Probe — A Probe is an ultra-fast, lightweight capture mechanism within VMX-Capture which decodes and/or analyses traffic, delivering business objects and statistics to one or more Agents configured in Beeks Analytics.

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    Query — A Query is request for data that is sent to a data source.

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    Searchable Attribute — A Searchable Attribute is a specially designated Capture Attribute that you can use to filter items in a list. 
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    Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) — Simple Binary Encoding is a binary representation for encoding/decoding messages to support low-latency streaming.
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    Tapping — A network tap is a device that makes it possible to access network traffic, in order to monitor network events.
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    TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) — In computer networking, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that enables data transfer between two entities.
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    Timeseries — A Timeseries is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. In Beeks Analytics, timeseries is usually associated with a given Aggregator cell, showing variation over time.

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    UDP (User Datagram Protocol) — In computer networking, the User Datagram Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that enables data transfer between two entities.
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    Unicast Unicast is a one-to-one transmission from one point in the network to another point.

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    Visibility point — A Visibility point is a location in an application or network from which we want to capture data.
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    VLAN Tagging VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) tagging is where network packets are each assigned a VLAN tag in the Ethernet frame.
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    VMX-Analysis — In Beeks Analytics, VMX-Analysis is the layer that analyses the data from VMX-Capture to produce reports and views, and passes aggregated data to VMX-Explorer for visualisation.
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    VMX-Capture — In Beeks Analytics, VMX-Capture is the layer responsible for data capture and decoding. 
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    VMX-Explorer — In Beeks Analytics, VMX-Explorer is a Grafana-based web user interface, and is where Beeks Analytics visualises the analytics provided by VMX-Analysis. VMX-Explorer is fed by a REST API.

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Filter by label

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Filter by label

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Filter by label

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