Correlation is the act of grouping together all Agent Events for a given business object so that VMX-Analysis can track it as it moves through the network and/or the application.
The group of Agent Events is called an Item.
The most obvious example of a single Item with multiple Agent Events is where you are measuring the time it takes for a message to pass through a gateway. You would see an Agent Event for the message at the north side of the gateway, and an Agent Event for the message at the south side of the gateway. These would be correlated to produce a single Item. This concept is extensible so if you had more measuring points in your network you can produce multiple timing Intervals for the same Item.
A less obvious example of a single Item might be where you are monitoring the round-trip between submitting an Order Request and receiving an Acknowledgment (or Execution Report) in response. Although these are different messages, there is enough commonality between the Order Request and the response that they can (if you wish) be considered as a single Item.
Related terms
Agent Event
Correlation ID
Correlation Window