You can configure each panel to query a number of given REST API endpoints. See the endpoints listed below, grouped by category:

Historical metrics

  • Time Series
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Aggregator Node Graph
    Lists timeseries nodes in a given aggregator region. Returns details of timeseries nodes. Get time-series streams matching a query. This is a useful endpoint for navigating aggregator structure.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Distributions
    Allows you to query distributions for aggregator cells. Filtering options are available.
    See here for usage instructions.

Item data

  • Items
    Returns a list of matching items.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Item associations
    Query details of associations between items.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Item intervals
    Query all intervals (hop measurements) for a given item or for many items.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Item events
    Query details of Agent events per item.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Item trace
    Query traces per item.
    See here for usage instructions.

Alert data

  • Alerts
    Allows you to query all alerts generated within a given time-frame. Filtering options are available.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Alerts Status
    Displays the most recent alert for each alert definition on the system. Filtering options are available.
    See here for usage instructions.

  • Anomalies
    Such as Market Data Gap anomalies, in which data sequence numbers are missing or in the wrong order. Displays the feed/venue/line in which the gap occurred, the start and finish sequence numbers, and relevant timestamps.
    See here for usage instructions.

Data integration

  • Query Related
    The Query Related endpoint is part of a future project and should not be used.


  • Cache Browser
    The Cache Browser endpoint should only be used in a dedicated debugging dashboard at the request of the Beeks team.

  • Test
    A health endpoint that returns OK if the Beeks Analytics server is available.

The Time Series, Alerts and Anomalies endpoints are currently the only endpoints that are available in the “Beeks Analytics” back-end data source. The “Beeks Analytics Datasource” front-end data source provides all of the above endpoints.

There is a Related endpoint in the menu. This is partially disabled and should not be used.

Concepts like aggregators, items, associations and intervals are discussed more fully in the Analytics Concepts Guide.

API Reference

As of this document issue date, the most up-to-date version of our API can be found at the following link:

Documentation for subsequent versions will be at the URL:[VERSION NUMBER]
where [VERSION NUMBER] is the latest version, which you can request from your Beeks Support Contact.

For more information on how to use the REST API, please see the Beeks Analytics REST API Worked Examples Guide.