Correlation Window
The Correlation Window is the number of items or time period within which Beeks Analytics can correlate or associate events.
Beeks Analytics currently correlates and associates all Agent Events in real-time.
Beeks Analysis has no hard limits on Correlation Window, either in terms of number of items or time period. There are practical limitations of course, dependent on the specifics of the project and the hardware resources available. For cache-based correlation (the primary mechanism for high volume projects), both memory and CPU play a part:
message rate * captured payload size * window length = memory required for correlation
message rate * window length * complexity of correlation = CPU required for correlation
Beeks Analytics additionally supports database correlations, which do not define any maximum correlation window. It is possible to specify that any particular match should be attempted against the database if there is a cache miss. This has the effect of searching and loading the matching item back into cache, correlating the new event and writing the updated item back to the database. It is important to note that this involves significantly more resource utilisation (CPU and disk i/o) than a cache match, so is not suitable for primary correlation in high volume projects.