Use case

The end user wants to examine all network traffic statistics by Visibility Point and External Group for a selected time period.


This Traffic Stats dashboard provides a general overview of all network traffic statistics within a given timeframe. The stats are filtered by Visibility Point (VP) & ExtGroup (extgroup_id), which are selectable at the top of the dashboard. 

Screenshot: Traffic Stats by ExtGroup

The top row (1) provides summary Packet/Msg rates for each given transmission protocol. From left to right, the panels show:

  • Overall IP level stats

  • TCP stats

  • Individual Trading messages

  • UDP packet rate

  • Individual Market Data message rate.

Each of these top levels are then broken out into more detail in the subsequent collapsed/expandable rows (2):

IP Stats

  • Inbound & Outbound Bandwidth Timeseries

  • Inbound & Outbound Microburst Timeseries


TCP Stats

  • Inbound & Outbound Packet Rate Timeseries

  • Inbound & Outbound Loss Rate Timeseries

  • Inbound & Outbound Round Trip Time Timeseries

  • Inbound & Outbound Out Of Sequence Msg’s Timeseries


UDP Stats

  • Inbound Packet Rate Timeseries

  • Inbound Bandwidth Timeseries


Trading Stats

  • Inbound & Outbound Latency Timeseries

  • Inbound & Outbound Flow Rate Timeseries


MD Stats

  • Inbound Gaps Timeseries

  • Inbound Msg Rate Timeseries

  • Inbound Wiretime Timeseries

  • Inbound Microburst Timeseries