VMX-Explorer opens in your browser and displays the Home Dashboard if configured, otherwise it will display the default Grafana welcome page.

Screenshot: Default dashboard in VMX-Explorer.
Screenshot: Grafana default Welcome page.

At the top of the page:

Select the menu button in the top left to display a navigation menu containing the options:

Screenshot: Navigation menu
  • Home
    Displays the Home Dashboard set either by the Organisation or User.

  • Starred
    A list of the dashboards you’ve favourited for quick access. Star a dashboard by opening the dashboard and selecting the star icon by the dashboard title.

  • Dashboards
    (browse, playlists, snapshots, library panels, + new dashboard, + new folder, + import)
    Create, browse, share, and manage your dashboards, folders, and panels. The standard dashboards provided by Beeks are listed here.

  • Explore
    Create, run and test a query without a dashboard, with the option to create a visualisation for it later.

  • Alerting
    (alert rules, contact points, notification policies)
    View alert status, history and manage rules and contact points - for users with admin access.

  • Connections
    (Data sources)
    Manage Data sources - only for users with admin access.

  • Apps
    Open the Beeks Analytics app that provides further features to your Grafana instance.

  • Administration
    (Data sources, Plugins, Users, Teams, Service accounts, API keys, Default preferences)
    Perform administration and set up - only for users with admin access.

Configuring your Home Dashboard

Screenshot: Browse to your user profile to set your Home Dashboard.

Note in the following screenshot that the Home Dashboard field is set to Default Dashboard.

Screenshot: Default Dashboard in Home Dashboard field.

Enter the name of your preferred dashboard into the Home Dashboard field.

Screenshot: Configure the Home Dashboard field.