Subject to your deployment type, there are 3 possible types of dashboard in VMX-Explorer:

  • Standard dashboards

  • Provisioned dashboards

  • Custom dashboards

Standard dashboards

These have been created by the Beeks team and enable you to monitor system health. They are included with VMX-Explorer and are read-only. Changes to these dashboards may be implemented only by the Beeks team and require a software upgrade of VMX-Explorer.

Standard dashboards sit in the VMX folder in Grafana and cannot be moved to another folder. Learn about dashboard folders in Grafana here.

Provisioned dashboards

A provisioned dashboard is one that has been created by the Beeks team, and exported so that it is available for import into a different Grafana instance. Provisioned dashboards have example data sources. These example data sources guide you into selecting an appropriate data source once you have imported the dashboard.

The Beeks team can provide provisioned dashboards that cover a range of less common scenarios on request. Contact your Beeks Account Manager for details.

Once imported, provisioned dashboards are fully editable. You’ll manage your provisioned dashboards via the Provisioning view in the Beeks Analytics App.

Custom dashboards

A custom dashboard is created by you in VMX-Explorer. It can contain panels that are provided by Beeks or that come from a library in Grafana or that are created from scratch by you. You can export custom dashboards and then import them into another Beeks Analytics instance.

No custom or provisioned dashboards will ever be overwritten by an upgrade of Beeks Analytics or VMX-Explorer. You’ll be notified in advance of any proposed changes to the standard dashboards included in VMX-Explorer.