Measuring latency with Intervals
Interval Definition
An interval measures the time between Agent Events for the same Item at two different Agent points, its definition exists within flow configuration. We use intervals to determine Flow topology and as an input to Aggregation and other analysis services.
Interval events contain information from the start and end events, such as start host, and end host, and the computed timing interval.
An interval is defined by specifying the start and end Agent IDs. Once an interval is defined, VMX-Analysis will then attempt to pair events from the start and end agents to generate interval events.
Finally, any consolidated business data available for the business item is copied into the generated event.

Types of Interval
Intervals can measure timings within a component, between components, or measure arbitrary intervals; for example, the time taken between placing an order and obtaining an acknowledgement. The type of interval event depends only on the start and end probes selected to define the interval.
For visualisation purposes, it is useful to know the intended type of an interval event. Interval events can represent the following:
Node | An interval event within a component. |
Not a node | An interval event between components. |