Match Attributes
You can designate Capture Attributes to be Match Attributes. Match Attributes are used to correlate Agent Events into an Item when no Correlation ID or Alt ID is present in the message.
Match Attributes
Match Attributes are Capture Attributes that VMX-Analysis will group together to provide a unique signature for a business object so that it can identify the messages that belong to an Item.
So where a combination of customerid, quantity, instrumentid, and price may be sufficient to uniquely identify an order, you’ll designate these four Capture Attributes as Match Attributes.
Match Attributes can be contributed by any Agent at any time during a Flow.
Example of Match Attributes
Agent 1 receives a message containing correlationid, customerid, instrumentid, and quantity.
Agent 21 receives a message containing correlationid and price.
Agent 30 receives a message containing customerid, instrumentid, quantity, and price.
Result: Agent Events from Agent 30 can be matched by providing customerid, instrumentid, quantity, and price, even though the correlationid is not received by Agent 30.