All Beeks Analytics solutions are available as a service, on Beeks-provided hardware, or as an enterprise solution hosted at the client site.

Beeks Analytics

The main Beeks Analytics product is a powerful analytics solution that performs packet-level monitoring and recording on network traffic to deliver performance insights into your trading infrastructure. Beeks Analytics offers a highly configurable browser view for visualisation of network data and network-derived business data in graphs, tables and charts for all required aggregations and metrics.

For ease of reference, we often refer to Beeks Analytics as ‘Beeks Analytics as a Service’ when it is hosted by Beeks, and where Beeks performs all of the administration, setup and ongoing maintenance of the appliance on behalf of the client. We often refer to Beeks Analytics as ‘Beeks Analytics Enterprise’ when the solution has a high degree of customisation for a particular customer.


A test tool that delivers replay of historic market data into testbeds to recreate issues or test scaling to increased traffic volumes. The source of the historic market data is usually packet captures that have been stored using Beeks Analytics (although the replay of other packet capture data is also supported). This library of historic packet captures can be managed via Grafana or scripting will ensure that you have reliable packet captures and readily reproducible test scenarios for any real-world situation. Users simply select the desired Replay(s) and click Play. Replay with full synchronisation of streams, with +/- 20 nanosecond precision. Scale market data replays up to anticipate future demands or to test algorithms to breaking point.