VMX-Capture processes use configuration files within the following directory structure:

|-- agent
| |-- global
| | |-- decoders
| | |-- gapWriter
| | |-- mapper
| | |-- preagg
| | `-- scripts
| |-- p3
| `-- pmux
| |-- <PMUX_NAME>
| | |-- *.stack.json
| | |-- entsMapper
| | | |-- *.stack.mapper.json
| | |-- filter
| | | |-- *.datafilter.stack.mapper.json
| | `-- mdMapper
| | |-- *.stack.mapper.json

Directory (under <confdir>)


Typical Filename


contains any client-specific ACD decoder configuration files - *.acd.json



referenced by market data anomaly stack probes, for general use (may be used by multiple PMUXs)



any globally used mapper, for general use (may be used by multiple PMUXs)



contains aggregator definitions that are referenced in the stack probes



The p3 directory contains the json definitions for one or more P3 processes. See Advanced VMX-Capture Configuration for a description of the p3 process, which can be used to combine the outputs of multiple stack probes, prior to feeding the output to the Core Data Feed, to VMX-Analysis as statistics, or back into another stack.



One json config per stack probe




Referenced by mapper config within each stack probe



Referenced by mapper config within each stack probe that handles market data



Referenced by mapper config within each stack probe, the data filter is a special kind of mapper that uses ip details to filter packets.


Where we refer to VP_NAME in the table above, often we might split a single visibility point into two different directories. For example, in a system with two visibility points called VP1 and VP1 we might put in place the following directory structure:

`-- pmux
|-- VP2
| `-- (contains the stack probe configuration for VP2)
|-- VP1
| `-- (contains the stack probe configuration for VP1)
|-- capVP2
| `-- capVP2.capture.config Capture PMUX Configuration
`-- capVP1
`-- capVP1.capture.config Capture PMUX Configuration

VMX-Capture Licencing

The VMX-Capture PMUX processes need a valid licence in order to run.

The licence specifies the following:

  • Client ID

  • Expiry date

  • Licence type

  • Maximum cores

  • Node Address

  • Capabilities

To find a valid licenses.cf file, the processes search the following locations in this order:

  1. <confdir>/agent/pmux/<instance_id>/licenses.cf

  2. /opt/tsa/etc/licenses.cf

  3. global/licenses.cf

Request a licence from your Beeks Account Manager.