Market Data Feeds
Operator | Venue | Feed | Decoder Name | Decoder ID |
CBOE | CBOE BYX Equities | CBOE BYX Equities PITCH | US Equities/Options Multicast Depth of Book (PITCH) Specification (CBOE BYX Exchange) | cboe_byx |
CBOE | CBOE BZX Equities | CBOE BZX Equities PITCH | US Equities/Options Multicast Depth of Book (PITCH) Specification (CBOE BZX and Options Exchange) | cboe_bzx_and_options |
CBOE | CBOE EDGA Equities | CBOE EDGA Equities PITCH | US Equities/Options Multicast Depth of Book (PITCH) Specification (CBOE EDGA Exchange) | cboe_edga |
CBOE | CBOE EDGX Equities | CBOE EDGX Equities PITCH | US Equities/Options Multicast Depth of Book (PITCH) Specification (CBOE EDGX and Options Exchange) | cboe_edgx_and_options |
IEX Investors Exchange | Investors Exchange | IEX DEEP | Investors Exchange Depth of Book and Last Sale (DEEP) | iex_deep |
IEX Investors Exchange | Investors Exchange | IEX TOPS | Investors Exchange Top of Book Quote and Last Sale (TOPS) | iex_tops |
MEMX Members Exchange | Members Exchange US Equities | MEMX US Equities MEMOIR Depth | MEMOIR Depth | memx_depth |
MEMX Members Exchange | Members Exchange US Equities | MEMX US Equities MEMOIR Last Sale | MEMOIR Last Sale | memx_lastsale |
MEMX Members Exchange | Members Exchange US Equities | MEMX US Equities MEMOIR Top | MEMOIR Top | memx_top |
MIAX | MIAX Pearl Equities | MIAX Pearl Equities DOM | MIAX Pearl Equities Depth of Market Feed (DoM) | miax_dom |
MIAX | MIAX Pearl Equities | MIAX Pearl Equities TOM | MIAX Pearl Equities Top of Market Feed (ToM) | miax_tom |
NMS National Markets System | CTA Plan | CQS Pillar | Consolidated Quotation System Multicast Output Binary Specification | cqs_pillar_output |
NMS National Markets System | CTA Plan | CTS Pillar | Consolidated Tape System Pillar Multicast Output Binary Specification | cts_pillar_output |
NMS National Markets System | CTA Plan | CTS Index Pillar | Consolidated Tape System Pillar Multicast Output Binary Specification | cts_pillar_output |
NMS National Markets System | OPRA | OPRA GTH | OPRA Pillar Header | opra |
NMS National Markets System | OPRA | OPRA | OPRA Pillar Header | opra |
ICE | NYSE Equities | NYSE BBO | NYSE Pillar BBO Client Specification | nyse_bbo |
ICE | NYSE Equities | NYSE Integrated | NYSE Arca Integrated | nyse_arca_integrated |
ICE | NYSE Equities | NYSE OpenBook Ultra | NYSE Openbook Ultra | nyse_openbook_ultra |
ICE | NYSE Equities | NYSE Order Imbalances | NYSE Imbalance | nyse_imbalance |
ICE | NYSE Equities | NYSE Trades | NYSE Pillar Trades Feed Client Specification | nyse_trades |
Nasdaq | Nasdaq | Nasdaq TotalView ITCH 5.0 | Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH 5.0 | itch5 |
Nasdaq | Nasdaq | Nasdaq BX TotalView ITCH 5.0 | Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH 5.0 | itch5 |
Nasdaq | Nasdaq | Nasdaq PSX TotalView ITCH 5.0 | Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH 5.0 | itch5 |
ICE | NYSE American Equities | NYSE American BBO | NYSE Pillar BBO Client Specification | nyse_bbo |
ICE | NYSE American Equities | NYSE American Integrated | NYSE Arca Integrated | nyse_arca_integrated |
ICE | NYSE American Equities | NYSE American Order Imbalances | NYSE Imbalance | nyse_imbalance |
ICE | NYSE American Equities | NYSE American Trades | NYSE Pillar Trades Feed Client Specification | nyse_trades |
ICE | NYSE American Equities | NYSE American OpenBook Ultra | NYSE Openbook Ultra | nyse_openbook_ultra |
ICE | NYSE ARCA Equities | NYSE ARCA BBO | NYSE Pillar BBO Client Specification | nyse_bbo |
ICE | NYSE ARCA Equities | NYSE ARCA Order Imbalances | NYSE Imbalance | nyse_imbalance |
ICE | NYSE ARCA Equities | NYSE ARCA Trades | NYSE Pillar Trades Feed Client Specification | nyse_trades |
ICE | NYSE Chicago Equities | NYSE Chicago BBO | NYSE Pillar BBO Client Specification | nyse_bbo |
ICE | NYSE Chicago Equities | NYSE Chicago Integrated | NYSE Arca Integrated | nyse_arca_integrated |
ICE | NYSE Chicago Equities | NYSE Chicago Trades | NYSE Pillar Trades Feed Client Specification | nyse_trades |
ICE | NYSE National Equities | NYSE National BBO | NYSE Pillar BBO Client Specification | nyse_bbo |
ICE | NYSE National Equities | NYSE National Integrated | NYSE Arca Integrated | nyse_arca_integrated |
ICE | NYSE National Equities | NYSE National Trades | NYSE Pillar Trades Feed Client Specification | nyse_trades |
ICE | NYSE ARCA Equities | NYSE Arca Integrated | NYSE Arca Integrated | nyse_arca_integrated |
MEMX Members Exchange | Members Exchange US Options | MEMX US Options MEMOIR Depth | MEMOIR Options Depth | memx_options_depth |
MEMX Members Exchange | Members Exchange US Options | MEMX US Options MEMOIR Top | MEMX MEMOIR Options Top | memx_options_top |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Equities | JSE EQM Indices | JSE FAST Indices | jse_fast_indices |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Equities | JSE EQM SENS | JSE FAST SENS News | jse_fast_news |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Derivatives | JSE EDM MITCH L1 | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Derivatives | JSE EDM MITCH L2 | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Equities | JSE EQM MITCH L2 | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE FX | JSE FXM MITCH L1 | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE FX | JSE FXM MITCH L2 | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Equities | JSE EQM MD L1 | JSE FAST MD | jse_fast_md |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Derivatives | JSE EDM MITCH L2 Unthrottled | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE Equities | JSE EQM MITCH L2 Unthrottled | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | JSE FX | JSE FXM MITCH L2 Unthrottled | JSE MITCH App | jse_mitch_app |
Imperative Execution | IntelligentCross | IntelligentCross Aspen | Intelligent Cross ASPEN | aspen |
NMS National Markets System | UTP Plan | UTP Quotes | UTP Data Feed Services | utp_feed |
NMS National Markets System | UTP Plan | UTP Trades | UTP Data Feed Services | utp_feed |
ICE | NYSE ARCA Equities | NYSE ArcaBook | NYSE ArcaBook | arcabook |