In this section, we list the decoders that are included with Beeks Analytics.

Our full decoders include metadata about what is being decoded. This allows value-added information to be populated by the Beeks Analytics without any extra configuration of the system. Value-add includes venue/channel/feed mappings, common IP addresses for the feeds/gateways etc. Beeks maintains this metadata on an ongoing basis. Beeks includes all of these full decoders automatically in our Beeks Analytics for Markets customer deployments, including Beeks Analytics as part of Beeks infrastructure services.

More broadly, we also have many decoders for which we either do not yet maintain value-add information for, or for which there isn’t relevant value-add information to be added to the decoder. These are listed in the Message and Protocol Decoders list. These decoders can be included as part of Beeks Analytics for Enterprise deployments and, in most cases, Beeks can work with customers to upgrade these decoders to full decoder status for inclusion in the Beeks Analytics for Markets deployment.

For more information about the differences between Beeks Analytics for Markets and Beeks Enterprise see Beeks Analytics Data Guide BKDA002.

And as mentioned in the Introduction to Beeks Analytics decoders and decoder types section, Beeks provides lots of alternative options for handling protocols that aren’t mentioned in these lists, the most notable alternative options for market data being:

  • The AutoMD decoder (not listed here, available as standard part of the product) performs gap detection for most multicast market data protocols as standard.

  • The SBE decoder decodes SBE protocols without further development. The SBE document schema is referenced by the decoder to define the message format.