A full decoder SDK example with comments

The following script decoder relates to the hypothetical protocol named "chapo". The reason we use a made up protocol in this example rather than a pre-existing one is:

  • So the protocol is very simple to document.

  • To require and thus show off many features of the script decoder.

Description of chapo protocol:

In the fictional chapo format each message begins with a header composed of:

  • Bell (ascii character 7)

  • Message Type (only byte ASCII '8' supported)

  • 32-bit unsigned integer - length of message body, not including header.

  • 64-bit unsigned integer - sequence id.

The unsigned integers are encoded in network-byte order. Here is an example header:
<7: 1 byte><ASCII '8': 1 byte><103: 4 bytes><1: 8 bytes>

This indicates a message with a body of size 103 and a sequence of 1.

The message body is composed of key value pairs. Pairs are seperated by the '~' character, and keys are seperated from values by the '=' character.

For example:

This represents two key value pairs ("M", "hello") and ("T", 1234)

Numbers are encoded as ASCII strings in the message body.

The chapo decoder script

// Load console module for writing messages to the terminal display.
var console = vu8.load('console'),
idx = 0,
CHAPO_HEADER_SIZE = 14, // uint64 sequence, start, type, uint32 size
PAIR_SEP_BYTE = '~'.charCodeAt(0),
KEY_VAL_SEP_BYTE = '='.charCodeAt(0)
// Create 4 datafield objects used for this decoder
var dfMarketId = new decoder.DatafieldUInt("script_v8.market_id"),
dfSequence = new decoder.DatafieldUInt("script_v8.sequence"),
dfSize = new decoder.DatafieldUInt("script_v8.size"),
dfSymbolTicker = new decoder.DatafieldString("script_v8.symbol_ticker")
try {
// Register datafields with decoder's protocol layer.
catch (e) {
// C++ exceptions propogate to JavaScript exceptions...
console.log('chapo decoder: error adding data fields')
console.log('chapo decoder: loaded script')
// The next two functions are events called by the underlying stack API
// "on_new_decoder" is called each time a new decoder is created and must be
// defined in every script.
function on_new_decoder(dec) {
dec.idx = ++idx
// market ID is a 64-bit integer and JavaScript numbers cannot represent
// this type so decoder.UInt64 is provided for handling this type.
dec.marketId = new decoder.UInt64()
dec.sequence = new decoder.UInt64()
// dfSize is 32-bit so can use a plain JavaScript number.
dec.dfSize = 0
// Use this to signal if a message begin marker has been found.
dec.foundMsgBegin = false
// Can associate method with decoder object for use in on_data callback.
dec.log = function(msg) {
console.log('chapo decoder', this.idx + ':', msg)
console.log('created new chapo decoder')
// "on_data" is called when a decoder receives new data and must be defined
// in every script.
// The dec.buffer attribute is a Buffer object which represents a series of
// underlying buffers as a single conceptual buffer.
// The fact that the user is dealing with multiple underlying buffers
// is hidden by the Buffer object API.
// The last buffer in the chain is not copied from the underlying
// stream until after on_data has been called (in the event that after
// such a call there is still data remaining in the buffer) allowing
// for zero-copy memory handling when possible.
function on_data(dec) {
// Use method associated with decoder object by "on_new_decoder".
// size is the number of bytes left in the buffer.
dec.log('new data available, reimaning buffer length ' + dec.buffer.size())
if (! dec.dfSize) {
if (! dec.dfSize) return
while (parse_message(dec)) {
dec.foundMsgBegin = false
if (! dec.dfSize) return
// helper methods from here on
// Parse chapo header.
function parse_header(dec) {
if (! dec.foundMsgBegin) {
// Skips up to and over the character with the ascii byte given..
// returns true if the byte is found otherwise empties the buffer
// and returns false.
if (dec.buffer.skipToAndConsumeByte(CHAPO_MSG_START))
dec.foundMsgBegin = true
// Doing this is faster than dec.buffer.size() < 5, there is also:
// sizeLessThanOrEqualTo, sizeGreaterThan, sizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo
if (dec.buffer.sizeLessThan(CHAPO_HEADER_SIZE - 1)) return
// Javascript has no facility for dealing with characters, so passing a
// number through to isByte() is better than having to deal with expensive
// string types.
while (! dec.buffer.isByte(CHAPO_MSG_TYPE)) {
dec.log('unsupported message type')
if (! dec.buffer.skipToAndConsumeByte(CHAPO_MSG_START)) {
dec.foundMsgBegin = false
if (dec.buffer.sizeLessThan(CHAPO_HEADER_SIZE - 1)) return
// This advances the current character pointer in the buffer but does not
// reclaim memory until an entire underlying buffer within the chain has
// been advanced over so it is efficient to use.
// Consume a byte-encoded uint32 from the buffer using network-byte
// order. Use consumeUInt32LE to decode the integer using little-endian
// byte ordering. There is also consumeInt32 and consumeInt32LE for
// signed integers. This advances the buffer past the decoded data.
dec.dfSize = dec.buffer.consumeUInt32()
// An alternative way to do the above two operations would be:
// dec.dfSize = dec.buffer.decodeUInt32(1)
// dec.buffer.advance(5)
// Binary decode uint64 from head of buffer and advance buffer pointer
// past it.
// Can use consumeLE to decode it using little-endian byte ordering.
// equivalent to the above:
// dec.sequence.decode(dec.buffer, 0)
// dec.buffer.advance(8)
// There are decode*() versions of all consume*() methods. Decode is like
// consume but does not advance the buffer and takes an argument indicating
// the offset of the data to decode.
dec.log('found message header which indicates a payload of size ' + dec.dfSize)
// Parse chapo message body. Return true if current message in buffer is
// finished with. If it is finished and parsed successfully the buffer
// will be advanced past it.
function parse_message(dec) {
if (dec.buffer.sizeLessThan(dec.dfSize)) {
dec.log('chapo message split across multiple packets')
return false
// Buffer.substring operates in the same manner as String.substring
// in JavaScript.
dec.log("buffer contains complete chapo message '" +
dec.buffer.substring(0, dec.dfSize) + "'")
var pairIdx, nextPairIdx = -1
while (nextPairIdx < dec.dfSize) {
pairIdx = nextPairIdx + 1
var sepIdx = dec.buffer.indexOfByteFrom(KEY_VAL_SEP_BYTE, pairIdx + 1)
nextPairIdx = dec.buffer.indexOfByteFrom(PAIR_SEP_BYTE, sepIdx + 1)
var key = dec.buffer.substring(pairIdx, sepIdx)
if ("S" == key) {
dfSymbolTicker.set(dec.buffer.substring(sepIdx + 1, nextPairIdx))
else if ("3" == key) {
// use + to get JavaScript to convert string into integer
dec.marketId.fromUInt32(+dec.buffer.substring(sepIdx + 1, nextPairIdx))
// Set these datafields from decoder.UInt64 objects
// fromUInt32 works on normal JavaScript numbers.
// Pass through to next decoder with no data which triggers a
// collection of the datafields. nextDecoder(length) and
// nextDecoder(offset, length) are also provided for passing a
// subsection of the buffer over.
// advance past current message
// Make both integers 0 again.
dec.dfSize = 0
return true
// Called when decoder misses data
// dec: object representing decoder that missed data
// size: size of missed data.. has type decoder.UInt64()
function on_missed_data(dec, size) {
console.log("missed data of length: " + size.toDouble())
dec.foundMsgBegin = false