VMX Explorer provides the following:

  • Standard Beeks Analytics dashboards
    VMX-Explorer includes a set of ready-to-use Beeks Analytics dashboards that pull data from a Beeks Analytics datasource.

  • Ability to create custom dashboards
    You can create your own dashboards and the panels in them. There are no limits on the number of dashboards you can build.

The following optional features are available through the Beeks datasource and/or Beeks plugins:

  • Ability to create custom Time Series alerts
    The ability to create and monitor time series alerts that indicate when a time series threshold is breached.

  • Packet Query
    Packet query allows you to retrieve a packet capture file based on a user-defined time window. You can filter the set of packets included in the file by specific probes and with a BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter). It enables the user to re-examine data sets gathered in the past, for purposes of diagnosis or analytics.

  • Packet Capture Health
    Packet Capture enables you to examine a breakdown of the volume of packets being recorded, and review whether there may be data quality issues with overutilisation or missed packets.

  • Replay of real data via mdPlay
    Available if you have licensed Beek’s mdPlay tool.
    Record new mdPlay scenarios for replay or playback previously created mdPlay scenarios. See the Analytics Concepts Guide for more information about mdPlay.

  • Reporting
    Generate and view reports. Available if you have licensed Beek’s reporting feature.

  • Provisioning
    Easily import, upgrade and manage versions of Beeks dashboards.
    In addition to the standard dashboards that are included with VMX-Explorer, we can also provide a set of dashboards for import that cover less common scenarios and which you can edit directly.

  • Licensing
    View or update your Beeks Analytics license.