VMX-Explorer allows you to set up always-on monitoring that will trigger alerts when anomalies occur, e.g., high latency. Anomalies are defined by setting a threshold which, if breached, will trigger an alert. VMX Explorer can be configured to notify other systems of the anomaly.

There are 2 types of alert in Beeks Analytics:

  • Alerts that are created in VMX-Analysis
    These are configured by the Beeks team.
    Query these in VMX-Explorer via the Alerts and Alerts Status endpoints.

  • Alerts that are created in VMX-Explorer
    You can build these alerts by setting Alerting Rules, which are supported by Grafana. Read the instructions here.

See a use case for Alerts here.

Remember that Grafana alerting rules can only be configured against information provided by the Beeks Analytics back-end data source.

Due to restrictions in Grafana, it is not possible to configure Grafana alerting rules against the Beeks Analytics Datasource front-end data source.

The Beeks Analytics back-end data source currently supports Time Series, Alerts and Anomalies.