The Beeks Analytics appliance software installation has the following layout in the filesystem (where <env> is typically the customer name):

|-- <env>
| |-- data
| | |-- logs
| | |-- static
| | `-- stores
| |-- bin
| |-- lib
| `-- config
| `-- agent
| |-- pmux
| `-- global
|-- mysql
|-- influxdb
|-- backup-install
|-- capture
|-- retro
|-- sdk
|-- bin
|-- db
| `-- platency3
|-- etc
|-- lib -> lib64
|-- lib64
|-- share
| |-- acd.schema.json
| |-- aggregator.schema.json
| |-- base
| | |-- etc
| | `-- utils
| |-- decoders
| | |-- acd
| | | |-- custom
| | | |-- market_data
| | | |-- mock_data
| | | |-- order
| | | |-- performance
| | | `-- transport
| | `-- sbe
| | |-- custom
| | `-- public
| | |-- market_data
| | `-- order_entry


  1. To facilitate data recovery the /vmx/install and /vmx/db directories each contains a full backup of the other

  2. The /vmx/install/<env>/server directory contains the customer project deployable image

  3. /vmx/install/<env>/vmx is the root of the Beeks Analytics product installation, typically a symbolic link to a specific product version

  4. /vmx/install/admin contains administration scripts

  5. /vmx/install/<env>/data contains volatile files such as log files and dynamic configuration stores

  6. /vmx/db contains the database data

The /data and /opt/tsa directories may only be present on machines with VMX-Capture software installed:

  1. /data/capture contains rolling capture files

  2. /data/retro contains the output of any UI created retro jobs (output also linked from the UI)

  3. /data/sdk contains any custom plugins for decoders and stats generation

  4. /opt/tsa contains utilities and bootstrap configuration for the Beeks Analytics capture software.

  5. The static decoder config is stored in the /opt/tsa/share/decoders directories.

On appliances where there is a separate disk reserved for capture, the capture directory will be at /data/capture , not /vmx/data/capture

Directory Aliases

If you are logged in as the vmxcustomer user and you have set your environment correctly, you can use common directory aliases to navigate you to the appropriate directory. Here are some examples:

# Switch environment to valentine
export VMX_ENV=valentine
# Switch to the config directory ( /vmx/install/valentine/server/config )
# Switch to the binary directoy is - this is actually where the environment variable scripts are stored
# ( /vmx/install/valentine/server/bin )
# Switch to the logfile directory ( /vmx/install/valentine/data/logs )

We will often reference these directory aliases as shorthand within this document.

For example…

Change directory to <confdir>/agent

This means that you need to run the following commands at the Unix command prompt, when logged in with the vmxcustomer or equivalent account:

cd agent