Calculated Fields
Sometimes, we need to create additional fields that are created from existing datafields. For example, converting Seconds datafields into nanoseconds, or creating a timestamp field from existing fields containing the different resolutions of a timestamp. Calculator Fields are processed after all the datafields have been set by the decoder and just before collection.
Calculator Fields have a "target" and an optional "source", either of which can be a datafield or a previously cached value. If the "target" is not specified for a Calculator field, then the default target is a new datafield. The field is then given a base type (currently only uint and timestamp), and a list of actions.
Actions define a series of operations that are executed and the final result is stored in the "target".
The target starts at 0 and the result is accumulated as each action is processed.
The first action is a special "assign" action; this is the only action where a "source" and "const_int" can be specified. The result of this action is written into the target. The following actions "accumulate" the result.
The first calculation in the example below shows how an existing “SecondsSinceEpoch” datafield is converted into a new nanosecond cached value called "CachedTimestampEpochNS". Cached calculation results persist across message and packet boundaries. The second calculation uses the cached value to set the "FullTimestamp" datafield and then adds the value in the "NanosecondTimestamp" field to yield the final result of the combined nanosecond values. If the "NanosecondTimestamp" datafield does not exist, the new calculated field is not set.
Calculated Fields example:
: {
Object: CalculatedFields
JSON key | Required? | Type | Value description |
name | Yes | String | The name of the new datafield or cache entry. |
target | No | String | Must be “Datafield“ (default) or “Cache“. |
type | Yes | String | Must be “uint“ or “timestamp“. |
actions | Yes | Array | A JSON array of objects describing the set of operations to apply to the target. |
Object: Actions
JSON key | Required? | Type | Value Description |
action | Yes | String | A string representing the calculation operation required to apply to the source value. Valid values are:
After the action is specified, there must be either one "source" or a "const_int" value for the action to calculate. See next rows in this table for sources and the last row for information about const_int. |
Sources can be: | |||
df_source | No | String | The name of the datafield to read the source value from. |
cache_source | No | String | The name of the cache entry to read the source value from. |
predefined_source | No | String | A keyword with a built-in function. |
timezone | Yes, if packet_epoch_date_ns is specified. | The timezone required for conversion of timestamps in different timezones. | |
source_time_format | No | String | A boost date/time format specifier as described here: This string represents the timezone required for conversion of timestamps in different timezones. It can be used to adjust the source_time_format date/time conversion as required. The timezone strings are defined in the file date_time_zonespec.csv which is part of the VMX-Capture install. |
If there is no "source", then the following must be specified: | |||
const_int | No | Integer | A signed number which is used in this calculation action, must not be 0. |