How can I find the version of the Beeks Analytics appliance?

Grafana administrators can find the version of their Beeks Analytics plugins by going to the Administration > Plugins page and selecting one of the Beeks Analytics plugins that are installed.

The version number of the plugin is shown in the Version field.

The version of the appliance can be different from the version of the app running within the appliance environment, but in most cases these will be consistent at the major version level.

My query isn’t displaying the data I expected

The Table view is a useful tool for debugging when a visualisation doesn’t show what you expected. It shows the data in table format. To open the data in the Table view, enable the Table view slider at the top of the dashboard.

The Table View slider.

Other useful troubleshooting tools

  • To display the query, select the Query Inspector inside a panel when editing.

  • To display data, select Inspect > Data in the Panel menu when viewing the dashboard.